Alchemy and Irony

This series chronicles each individual’s journey to the Divine. I have incorporated the story of Daphne and Apollo with the alchemic process of turning lead to gold. Daphne, in this story, chooses to open her heart to love and sheds the bark of the tree to emerge whole. The images of the Divine or the Image of God/dess within the individual relates to their own place in the path to the labyrinth. The labyrinth is a metaphor of shedding and rebuilding that we do when we are in the process of engaging the Divine. My greatest understanding of the labyrinth is that it is embodied within us but that it also connects us with each other, the earth, the past and the present. It is eternal. Fear reminds of our mortality…but faith and trust tells us that All is Well and we are where we need to be. To trust our instincts, to know our rhythm, to feel the presence of God/dess within our hearts. By trusting in the Divine, we will be transformed…the ironic aspect is that the transformation may not be at all in the way we had imagined.